Sunday, October 17, 2010

Has Capitalism Finally Won?

Had Stalin Expected the Failure of Communism?
Had Stalin ever expected that his country would be the absolute follower of the U.S?

Had Stalin ever expected the USSR's strongest technology in aviation would have to serve the capitalists in order to survive?

The title of the news article directly tells everyone, that, the Soviet Model, has totally been beaten by Capitalism.

As an alternative of capitalism, the Soviet Model could be generally explained in ways of politics, economy and culture. It had created great achievements. However,  the forced collectivelism in economy; repression of free expression and democracy; ultra centralization of decision-making in the party were also the reasons for its  failure.  

In economy, there were appropriate strategies of rapid industrialization . The industrialization was the only fully reliable means of developing a socialist economy.

In industry, the state assumed control over all existing enterprises and understood an intensive program of industrialization. There had been the successes of the economy. There had achieved extraordinary rates of economic growth at a time when capitalist world stumbled through great Depression. Therefore the Soviet Model was prototype for the post colonial world. Prior to its collapse, the Soviet Union had the largest centrally directed economy in the world. The government established its economic priorities through central planning, a system under which administrative decisions rather than the market determined resource allocation and prices.
The author mentioned that the aviation technology of Russian, is still  very top in this world, but ironically have to beg money from free market because the government doesn't support anymore. And the author analyzed the current situation of the aviation business in a very comprehensive way with rational thinking, including the details and shortages in service and regulation parts of Russian business in the transition period. I am happy to be fulfilled.
Russian's Technology in Aviation is Still Very Advanced Today.

However, as a reader from the biggest communist country in this world, I desperately want to see some decent  future prospects to the communist countries in the third world, in today's new political and economic environment. I believe every reader from the communist countries would have the same feeling.

The Soviet Model’s ideology offered a model of social development which attracted the Third World. Many on the left in the Third World and even in the West had looked to the Soviet Union as a viable alternative political and economic system to that of capitalism. By the 1950s, the Soviet Model had become one of the two models which had been in irreconcilable conflict over global hegemony. This encouraged the growth of communism throughout the Third World.

However, the author didn't think about these issues and I can't access to relevant information following the links of other business stories below this article.

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